

EEMODS’24 will be an in presence only conference, there will not be virtual participation.

Abstract Submission
The official language of the eemods'24 is English. 

  • November 30, 2023:       Abstracts are due to the conference secretariat (via EasyChair)
  • December 15, 2023:       Authors will be notified by email as to whether their abstracts have been accepted or rejected.
  • February 29, 2024:          Authors must submit draft papers using EasyChair
  • May 31, 2024:                     Authors will receive comments on draft papers by email
  • July 14th, 2024:                 Final papers must be ready and submitted using EasyChair for inclusion in the conference proceedings.
  • August 15th, 2024            Delivery of the keynote presentation
  • September 3‐5, 2024:    EEMODS’24 takes place in Lucerne
Instructions for Authors for abstract submission procedure:

  1. Access the EEMODS'24 conference page in EasyChair here and register as author (
  2. Login to Easy Chair ( or register first if you don't have an account.
  3. Insert the abstract text into the field provided by EasyChair, without name or affiliation, include topic (from the list above) and keywords in the required field. Please do not attach any document!
Important guidelines for paper submissions at EEMODS'24:

For the paper submission and review process we will continue using EasyChair.
We would like to bring your attention to some important guidelines for presenting at EEMODS'24:

  1. Avoid Plagiarism: EEMODS'24 adheres to strict ethical standards. Ensure that your submission is original work, and any external sources are properly cited.
  2. Citation and References: Properly cite all sources used in your paper. This includes references to published literature, data sources, and any other materials that have contributed to your research.
  3. Picture Rights: If your presentation includes images, charts, or figures, please ensure that you have the right to use and publish them. Obtain any necessary permissions and provide proper attribution where required.
  4. Publication Agreement: Authors are required to sign a publication agreement form, granting the conference organizers the right to publish and distribute the accepted paper. This agreement will be sent to you separately.
  5. Code of Conduct: All authors and participants are expected to adhere to the conference code of conduct, promoting a respectful and inclusive environment for knowledge exchange.
  6. Paper length: Registered authors can publish one paper with a max. length of 6 pages (min. length of 4 pages), and the final form must be in accordance to the template (see below). The fee for publishing this paper is included in the registration fee. Full text of the paper can not exceed 6 pages of text in the final form according to template.
  7. Paper Templates: To assist you in preparing your final paper for the conference proceedings, please use the Springer Conference Proceeding templates found here. Authors will have also the possibility to submit their papers to a Special Issue in the journal Energy Efficiency. These templates ensure consistency in formatting and assist in the smooth compilation of the proceedings.

Resources for your submission  for EEMODS'24: (courtesy by Springer Journals)

Call for Papers

Following the success of the previous EEMODS Conferences (Lisbon (1996), London (1999), Treviso (2002), Heidelberg (2005), Beijing (2007), Nantes (2009), Washington D.C. (2011), Rio de Janeiro (2013), Helsinki (2015), Rome (2017), Tokyo (2019), and Stuttgart (2022)), the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts together with Bern University of Applied Sciences, with the scientific and technical support of the European Commission Joint Research Centre and Impact Energy Inc., is organizing the

13th International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Motor Driven Systems (EEMODS'24).

The Conference will be held in Lucerne (Switzerland) on September 03 - 05, 2024.   Previous EEMODS events have been very successful in attracting distinguished and international presenters and attendees. The wide variety of stakeholders included professionals involved in manufacturing, marketing, and promotion of energy efficient motors and motor driven systems (pumps, compressors, fans, etc.), policy makers and researchers. Participants come from manufacturing, academia, research, utilities, and public policy.   EEMODS’24 will provide a forum to discuss and debate the latest developments in the impacts of electrical motor systems on energy consumption and the environment, the energy efficiency policies and programs, standards and programs adopted and planned, and the technical and commercial advances made in the dissemination and penetration of energy-efficient motor systems. Special Sessions will be dedicated to the topic of Circular Economy and Digitalization in relation to energy efficiency.   The three-day conference will include plenary sessions where key representatives of governments and international organizations, manufacturers, program managers and experts will present their views and programs to advance energy efficiency in motor systems, for example, through international co-operation on efficiency requirements. Parallel sessions on specific themes and topics will allow in-depth discussions among participants.   The conference is very international by nature and aims to attract high quality and innovative papers and participants from every corner of the world.   To contribute to the success of the conference and to facilitate the development of new technologies, policies, and strategies to increase energy efficiency, we invite you to participate in the conference and to submit papers on the below topics.


Technologies, Research and Innovation (including case studies)

 1.  Electric Motors 
Life cycle costing, test methods and measurements, induction motors with emphasis on achieving greater energy savings through technology and design using permanent magnet motors, DC brushless motors, motors with frequency inverters, motor repair, maintenance and operation, evaluation tools, 3D printing. Motor monitoring sensors for IoT systems and artificial intelligence/machine learning- based systems applied to electric motors in order to detect and prevent failures and save energy.

2.  Emerging Motor Technologies
Switched reluctance, permanent magnet, electronically commutated and other line- start permanent magnet motors, Super-Premium Motor Technologies (e.g. synchronous reluctance, amorphous metals), new motor designs.

3.  Power Electronics and Drives
New solutions in drives in relation to energy savings, calculation of drive efficiency, successful application of drives, advanced integrated motor and drives, application- oriented optimization of drives (motion control tasks), power quality issues. Emerging Motor-driven system and Drive Technologies. Wide bandgap power electronics, advanced motor-drive packaged systems, advanced fluid system packages. Motor driven unit related harmonics.

4.  Pump Systems
Life cycle costing, energy saving improvements in pumps, pumps classification, maintenance and operation of pumps and pumping systems, on-site assessment of pump efficiency, efficiency test methods, energy-saving tools, market assessments, system design and optimization, pumps energy-saving programs, efficient methods to control the flow and pumps working as turbines. This topic covers industrial, water supply and treatment and irrigation pumps, and water pumps in buildings.

5.  Compressed Air Systems
Maintenance and operation of compressed air systems and compressors, advanced compressor design to optimize efficiency, energy saving improvements in air compressors and controls, life cycle costing, compressor energy-saving programs, energy-saving tools, market assessments, system design and optimization, air compressor/compressor system efficiency test methods, efficient methods to control flow/pressure, methods to detect leak, efficiency assessment regarding temperature, pressures, leaks, compressor types, coupling etc.

6.  Fans / Exhauster Systems
Life cycle costing, energy saving improvements, maintenance operation, efficiency test standards, energy-saving tools, market assessments, efficient methods to control flow, system design and optimization, drive belts, energy saving programs, classification and labelling schemes. This topic covers industrial and buildings fans, ventilation or exhaust systems. 

7.  Refrigeration Systems
Maintenance and operation, life cycle costing, new refrigerants, system optimization, load management, VSD, efficiency testing, energy-saving potentials, industrial applications, compressor design, heat recovery, cycle optimization, software tools. This topic covers display cabinets and cold storage rooms.

8.  Mechanical Power Transmission
Coupling between electrical motors and mechanical machines (pumps, compressors, fans, exhaust fans, etc.); efficiency of different couplings; flat belts,
V belts, timing belts, gearboxes/gearings, pulleys, conveyor belts.

9.  Motors in Household Appliances and HVAC
Improved and innovative motors; optimized designs, motor control, system optimization, energy labelling, databases, energy consumption, reliability. This topic covers motors for residential and commercial equipment (refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners, etc.).

10.  Motors and Drives for Transportation and other Applications
Electric and hybrid cars, airplanes, bikes and scooters, mixers, lifts, escalators, elevators, trains, light rail, vessels, aerospace and other transport systems using electric motors and drives.

11.  Digitalization
Smart sensors, smart control and continuous monitoring, real-time monitoring, adaptation of production to needs and demand, energy savings through digitalization, online optimization of energy usage, data analytics (on equipment/production line/facility level), production efficiency, increased production availability, predictive maintenance, Internet of Things, cloud-based services, digital twins for planning and resource optimization, artificial intelligence, augmented reality.

Technologies, Research and Innovation (including case studies)

12.   Industrial Management Policies 
Energy management, role of energy manager, energy management standards (ISO 50001), contract energy management, winning company approval for energy efficiency projects, staff, training and qualification, M&V, ESCOs.

13.  Motor System Audit and programmes
 Motor challenge programs, utilities programs for motor and motor systems, audit schemes, standards (ISO 50002), advances in energy measurement techniques, software tools for auditors, monitoring and verification, audit case studies, national audit programs.

14.  Policies, Programmes and Financing
Analysis of motor system energy use & greenhouse gas emissions, estimates or scenarios of reduction potentials; life-cycle costing; testing procedures, efficiency classes, marking schemes, labels; comprehensive market transformation strategies & programs; minimum energy performance standards; voluntary agreements; procurement programs; promotion of efficient systems via ESCOs, incentive programs, financing facilities, carbon markets, CDMs, white certificates, and other mechanisms; information and training; tools, motor promotion campaigns, motor databases, motors and VSD promotion campaigns and rebates, motor system (including VSD) promotion policies. Motor user behavior and investment decisions. This topic includes also policy and program evaluation. Policies and programs for e-vehicles and related charging infrastructure.

15.  Global Test Standards
Harmonization and alignment of global test standards for motor efficiency requirements, for motor system components and for motor systems; effective comparison of existing standards; routes to improve definitions and the applicability of standards into regulations and for market surveillance.

16.  System Efficiency
Methods and policies for system efficiency (extended products policies for pumps, compressors, fans, blowers and mining equipment, lift equipment, etc.); comparison among the different systems and methods; special focus on measurement methods accuracy and reproducibility.
17. Utility Programs
Utilities DSM programs including incentives and rebates; program design and evaluation; market transformation programs: white certificates. This topic includes also policy and program evaluation.

18. Market Surveillance and ecforcement mechanism
Means for ensuring compliance and the consequences of non-compliance, both for mandatory programs like MEPS, but also compliance with voluntary market transformation programs such as Energy Star. Market surveillance and enforcement of motors embedded into other equipment.

19. Circular Economy
Material efficiency, shared use, maintain and prolong lifetime, reusing and redistributing motors and drives (refurbish and remanufacture), repairability of motors and drives, recyclability of motor and drives, digital product passport.

International Programme Committee

  2. Adrian Omlin, HSLU T&A, Switzerland 
  3. Alberto Tenconi, Politecnico di Torino, Italy 
  4. Andrea Trianni, University of Technology Sydney, Australia 
  5. Andrea Vezzini, Berner Fachhochschule, Switzerland 
  6. Anibal T. De Almeida, University of Coimbra, Portugal 
  7. Benno Weis, Siemens, Germany 
  8. Bernd Ponick, Leibniz University, Germany 
  9. Christoph Singrün, VDMA, Germany 
  10. Conrad Brunner, international energy efficiency consultant, Switzerland 
  11. Edson C. Bortoni, Itajubá Federal University, Brazil 
  12. Eberhard Jochem, Fraunhofer, Germany 
  13. Emmanuel Agamloh, Baylor University, USA 
  14. Enrico Cagno, Politecnico di Milano, Italy 
  15. Francesco Parasiliti, Università dell' Aquila, Italy 
  16. Frank Ennenbach, Sulzer Management AG, Germany 
  17. Frank Hartkamp, Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO), Netherlands 
  18. Hiroyuki Ohsaki, The University of Tokyo, Japan 
  19. Jim Wall, Sulzer, Ireland 
  20. John Petro, Independent consultant, USA 
  21. John R. Mollet, Director of the Board of CLASP, USA 
  22. Jörg Franke, Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany 
  23. Jukka K. Tolvanen, Aumaen energy, Sweden 
  24. Jürgen Albig, ZIEHL-ABEGG, Germany 
  25. Lassi Aarniovuori, LUT, Finland 
  26. Kirk Anderson, NEMA, USA 
  27. Konstantin Kulterer, Austrian Energy Agency, Austria 
  28. Kurt Stockman, Ghent University, Belgium 
  29. Leo Lorenz, ECPE, EU 
  30. Maarten van Werkhoven, Tpa advisors, The Netherlands 
  31. Magnus Arvidsson, SKF, France 
  32. Martial Patra, Schneider Electric, France 
  33. Martin Doppelbauer, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Germany 
  34. Paolo Bertoldi, European Commission, EU 
  35. Paul Scheihing, 50001strategies, USA 
  36. Patrik Thollander, LIU, Sweden 
  37. Peter Radgen, University of Stuttgart, Germany 
  38. Prosanto Pal, TERI, India 
  39. Rahul Kanchan, ABB, Sweden
  40. Rita Werle, Impact Energy, Switzerland 
  41. Rob Boteler, Nidec Motor Corporation, USA 
  42. Roland Brüniger, IEA 4E Electric Motor Systems Annex – EMSA, Switzerland 
  43. Sandie Brændgaard Nielsen, Danish Technological Institute, Denmark 
  44. Sebastião Nau, WEG, Brazil 
  45. Simone Marchesi, Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE, Switzerland 
  46. Sönke Brodersen, KSB, Germany 
  47. Takeshi Obata, JEMA, Japan 
  48. Troy Leyden, Queensland Government, Australia


For technical and scientific enquiries please contact:   

Paolo Bertoldi 
European Commission DG JRC 

 For organizational enquiries and sponsoring opportunities please contact: 

eemods24 Conference Secretariat 
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
